A Guide to Companies House Forms
June 7, 2022
Resource Centre

When you run a company, there are several forms that must be completed and submitted to Companies House alongside the basic information required to create the company. These forms have different codes and purposes. There are also different forms required to notify of changes and amendments to the information held on the company by Companies House. Here we give some details of the most commonly used forms by registered companies to keep their information up to date. There is also a link to a full list of approved forms at the end of the article.
IN01 - Register a private or public company
You ca use the IN01 form to incorporate, or register, a private or public company. The link includes the optional continuation pages if you need these too. You can complete the paper form to register or incorporate a company within the UK. The paper registration and filing costs £40.00 to complete. To complete the paper version, the forms need to be printed on white paper at full A4 size. Alternatively you can register your company online for a fee of £12 through WebFiling if it is a private company limited by shares with model articles.
Form to Give Notice of Subscribers with Share Capital
This is for a company with share capital. You can use this pro-forma for a memorandum of association to form a company with share capital. It is used to notify Companies House that each subscriber to the memorandum of association:
- wishes to form a company under the Companies Act 2006
- agrees to become a member of the company
- agrees to take at least one share in the company
Form to Give notice of Subscribers without Share Capital
This is for a company not having share capital. You can use this pro-forma for a memorandum of association to form a company without share capital. It is used to notify Companies House that each subscriber to the memorandum of association wishes to form a company under the Companies Act 2006, and agrees to become a member of the company.
AP01 – Appointment of director
Form AP01 is used to appoint an individual as director of a company, but not to appoint a corporate director, in which case form AP02 is used. Details of the company and of the individual is required including their service address.The service address does not have to be the person’s residential home address but can be the company’s registered address or an address used under a Director’s Service address, though this needs to be stated. You can use our Director's Address Service if you would prefer to keep your home address private. Their residential address is included in the records but this information is not included on the public register, so will not be accessible by the general public. The form can be posted to Companies House or completed online.
AP03 – Appointment of secretary
Form AP03 is used to appoint a secretary but not to appoint a corporate secretary, for which form AP04 is required. The form includes the company’s details as well as the individual’s information and the date of their appointment. Both parties need to sign the form and it can be submitted by post or completed online.
AD01 – change of registered office
If the registered office of a business that is already formed is changed for any reason, then the form AD01 is used to notify Companies House of this change. It cannot be used to change the registered office of a Limited Liability Partnership, so form LL AD01 should be used in this situation. Company details and the new address is required for the form and it can be posted to Companies House or completed online.
AA02 – Dormant company accounts
If you are forming a company to be dormant and therefore not making a profit or trading immediately, then you should complete form AA02. The form is for use by a company that is limited by shares and has never traded with the exception of the issuing of those shares. The form cannot be used by charities or those companies limited by guarantee or any who have no shares.
363a – Annual Return
The Annual Return form 363a is completed each year on behalf of the company. It includes information such as the registered office and principal business activities using the SIC codes acquired when forming the company. Other information required includes the type of company, details of the company secretary and directors as well as past and present shareholders.
Abbreviated accounts
You must submit details about your company finances which must be made public in accordance with the Companies Act 2006. You must file a set of abbreviated accounts to Companies House every year, including information on cash held in the company, assets, debtors and creditors.Your first set of abbreviated accounts are due nine months after your first company year end. You can find out how to upload your abbreviated accounts to Companies House via Webfiling through this demo.
DS01 – Striking off application by a company
If you need to strike off a company then form DS01 is used for this purpose but cannot be used for a Limited Liability Partnership, where form LL DS01 is used in its place. Company details are required along with the signatures of all directors. It can be posted to Companies House or completed online.Here is a list of postal forms that a limited company can file with Companies House. Here you will find all the necessary forms you need to register your limited company and also make changes to your limited company further down the line. For example, you may want to change your company name or change your registered office address should you move business premises, or update your PSC register. You will also find comprehensive forms for your company accounts, change of company's objectives, changes to your company officers etc. all of which must be filed with Companies House.
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